Donors By Decade

We want to take a moment to thank our Brothers on the all-time donor list for the annual fund and campaign pledges. The all-time donor list includes any Brother who has given back at some point since leaving campus. If you’re interested in how your decade has performed in all-time giving, here’s a breakdown:  All-Time Giving by Decade (Annual Fund & Campaigns)  Decade  # […]

Phi Phi Brothers Speak Up

In last month’s e-letter, we sent out a survey to our Phi Phi Alumni. Now, we’d like to share some of our favorite responses with you! If you want to answer these questions yourself, please CLICK HERE to take the survey. You may see your Phi Phi memories, photos, or reflections published in a future newsletter or […]

Will You Snap Back from Social Distancing?

There was a day when we would relish the hour of freedom gifted by a canceled business lunch, soccer practice or board meeting. There was a day we couldn’t stand the idea of another birthday party. There was a day when lackadaisically responding (or not) to texts or calls from friends wasn’t a big deal, […]

Love in the Time of COVID-19

The most difficult part of quarantine, for many people, has been the severing of our in-person interactions. While there is certainly joy to be found in solitude, humans are, by their nature, social. And it is in our small interactions with others that we find much of our joy. The occasional trip into self-isolation can […]

“The Best Years of My Life”

In the midst of pandemics and job worries, family matters, and just daily life in general, it’s easy to forget all that our Sigma Chi experience gave us and still gives.  Leadership opportunities at the Phi Phi house, camaraderie with our fellow Phi Phi brothers, life-changing philanthropy projects, and friendships that will last a lifetime — it’s a lot to be […]

How Social Distancing Will Help Us Find Happiness

In 2000, Robert Putnam published his groundbreaking book “Bowling Alone,” which argued that Americans had become disconnected from the people in our lives. Over 25 years of research, he found that people belonged to fewer organizations, knew fewer neighbors, met with friends less frequently, and even socialized with family less often than previous generations. He […]